#154 Daily dose : An amazing alarm app

UnreliAlarm is a simple idea, but one which could be enormously appealing to anyone who’s bored of generic alarm sounds, as it lets you use an app as an alarm.

By which we mean it will automatically launch an app of your choice when the alarm goes off, and in the case of a music app, such as Spotify, or a podcast app, keep playing whatever you were last listening to.
It isn’t the most reliable alarm app, as the name suggests. Mostly because if you don’t have anything queued in the app you’ve chosen you risk being met with silence.

That’s a shame, as an alarm is one thing you really need to be able to rely on. So in this case you might want to set a normal alarm for a few minutes later, or make sure you’re very careful about having content queued.

But when UnreliAlarm works – which it does most of the time – it’s far more enjoyable than hearing the same sounds every morning.